REO Speedwagon at L.B. Day Amphitheater

Concert Review: REO Speedwagon Rolls and Makes Some Changes

Will the real REO Speedwagon please stand up. You see, I was fully prepared to write a casual little review for an expected conventional REO Speedwagon show at the well-attended and nearly 9,000 seat L.B. Day Amphitheater on Monday at … Continue reading Concert Review: REO Speedwagon Rolls and Makes Some Changes

Review: Rush – Cinema Strangiato

Rush is dead. So it seems. But their memory lives on in the hearts and minds of fans, through terrestrial and satellite radio, and now apparently on worldwide big screen movie releases that just might come annually. The not all that hyped Cinema Strangiato aired Wednesday as a one-time deal and it packed the house pretty good. I bought tickets nearly two weeks ago and the first theater I tried in the Portland metro area was sold out. Clearly, the Rush magnet remains. The concert film was originally marketed as the “1st annual Cinema Strangiato” but looks like someone got … Continue reading Review: Rush – Cinema Strangiato